I had the best of intentions to start anew today. First Monday after the holidays...commit to a 30 minute "Me" routine...5-Minute sit, 5-minute journal or doodle, 10-15 minutes on the balls.
In addition, the faboo hubby and I have decided to implement a mostly paleo way of eating. And I say mostly because well, butter. We have noticed as we get older (ugh...) that our bodies definitely don't like certain foods or like them less. The adjustment will be incremental and adjusted for what will ultimately become very heavy workout schedules. So this morning we were going to have our first cup of "Bulletproof" coffee as a sort of kick off!
To the point, as great as the intentions were, a rather unpleasant stomach virus precluded any of that for me this morning. I spent the whole day recovering from a very "uncomfortable" night. Let's just leave that there. I didn't have the energy to feel guilty about it. Ultimately being sick last night gave me an opportunity to practice those three things, just NOT in the way I "expected". Laying in bed I actually got to meditate and doodle for much longer than 5-minutes. And while the bed isn't usually where I do my Roll Model Therapy Ball work, it actually felt good laying here and doing a completely different practice.
Lesson? When our 'expectations' aren't met, we create our own stress (suffering) from wanting something to be a certain way, and there is potential for disappointment. Being able to be fluid with circumstances can create new and different opportunities. We keep ourselves open to those new experiences if we don't carry expectations.
And in all honesty, it felt pretty Hollywood laying in my bed typing a blog.